Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nike will bring out new golf clubs

Nike will launch a number of golf clubs in Jan 2010, but Wood will not attend to the canteen. Frankly speaking, it is a great challenge for Nike because Nike got the good reputation of golf clubs basically from Tiger Woods.

Nike said that their Victory Red STR8-FIT Tour FairwayWoods will be officially listed in January 28 2010. The golf club's retail price will be set as 299 U.S. dollars. According to Nike, the design of this Fairway references to the views of 13 golf stars, including Tiger Woods. In fact, "Victory Red" (Victory Red) in the Fairway’s name comes from the fact that Tiger Woods always wears red shirt on Sunday. However, Nike did not mention Tiger Woods in the promotion.

The main star mentioned in Nike’s Promotional materials was Glover, who just won the U.S. Open last year. Although, nobody doubt about his levels,his reputation is much smaller than Tiger Woods. Nike said that Glover tested this golf clubs in the competition.

Nevertheless, some of Nike's retail partners still overweight Nike. In their opinions, no matter Woods is there or not, Nike’s golf clubs will sale well in 2010. Nike has built up a successful manufacturer's image. We believe 2010 is a robust year.

In the 2009 fiscal year, Nike's total revenue increased to 192 billion U.S. dollars, increased by 3%.Nike refused to talk about the influence from the Woods’s scandles. Last month Nike’s Chief Executive Officer Mark - Parker (Mark Parker) said the consequences were not so serious on the investor conference. Even they known the economic factors had hurt the sales of golf severely. He said: "We will continue to support Tiger and his family. Of course, we also look forward to his comeback. "

Nike will launch new golf clubs, but Woods will absence from the conference.

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