Friday, September 10, 2010

How to Cure a slice

What is the golf slice? The slice or "fade" if you mean it is a ball hit in the trajestory of left to right of right to left if you are a left handed golfer. This trajectory occurs because of the clockwise spin created on the golf ball at impact.

Firt of all, before we discuss how to go about curing your slice, you need to understand why you slice the golf ball.Only then can you take the necessary steps to fix your slice.

How to fix your slice?

Perhaps the most convenient change you can make to cure your slice is by altering your grip. If your club is open at impact.By saying you have a weak grip that is tight enough to keep control is perfect, too tight and you risk slicing the golf ball again.

Also, to correct your slice you may also need to speed up your golf swing. you can do this by pulling your club back farther in your back swing, and then follow through smoothly as you would do normally.

On your back swing be sure not to bend back too far as you risk going off your swing path.Also try not to go too roundhouse in your swing, simply bring your club straight and then perform a perfect smooth swing.

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