Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Woods'ex-wife Elin Looks For New House

Elin spend the weekend of Labor day in the south Florida. She visit several friends there and look for some new houses. It looks like that she want to live there. In the other words, she may be a neighbour of Woods, because Woods' Jupiter manor is also in the south Florida.

It is said that Elin left the rental estate for West Palm Beach with her two children on friday. Woods' mother, Kultida, is also live the south Florida, so Kultida looked after her grandchildren for a day. Then Elin visited her two best friends.

After divorcing, Elin became more free. We can see much more smile on her face than before. She could become herself and have a nice weekend there. She hadn't been so relaxing as this weekend for a long time.

The merriage between Elin and Woods is declared to be over on  August 23. Most details are unknown except that they both have custody of two children. However, someone said that Elin got more than 100 million dollars.

Elin was together with her friend. On weekend, she lookd for some new houses. Woods loaned 545 billion dollars for his Jupiter manor which is also in the south Florida.

Would Elin become a neighbour of Woods? It is possible. Because Elin likes this place.  Elin went back home on monday. She said she had taken effort for her merriage, but because there is no love and trust, their merriage had to be over. However, she said she would get merried again in America. And she did not lose her heart to love.

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