Sunday, March 7, 2010

Elin moves back into home with Woods

It must be a good thing to the golf  NO.1 player Woods, which his wife Elin has moved back into their home after more than three months since the sex scandal broke out.

(Tiger prefers Nike CCI Iron Set)

The sex scandal  almost ruined Woods' marriage. Elin moved out their home, and rented a house about a mile from the Florida home they previously shared.

Elin and their children returned to their home in the security escort in the afternoon of March 3. A large truck appeared at home, and then the workers moved into the room. The sources disclosed that it is not temporary, Elin has determined to move back home. RadarOnline reported Thursday.

Nike CCI Iron Set(Tiger prefers Nike CCI Iron Set)

The couple spent approximately three hours together on Wednesday at the house where they will once again live together. RadarOnline reported on its Web site.

Woods kissed Elin on the cheek three times, Elin didn't refuse it and they hugged. It is another sign that the couple may be on the path to reconciling after nearly there months of torment.

(Copied from golf store)



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