Thursday, May 27, 2010

Get paid for golf club injury

Talk about trying to enjoy your golf with your son. I was readin in the golf news about a guy who sustained a golf injury to the head because of faulty equipment his son was using.

DENVER (AP) – A federal jury has awarded nearly $2 million to a man who was struck in the head when a golf club came apart during a swing, but he will receive less because of state limits, his lawyer said.

The lawsuit said David R. Price, 48, was injured in April 2002 at the Sunset Golf Course in Longmont when a pitching wedge made by Wilson Sporting Goods Co. came apart while is son was swinging it.

The damage award was handed up Tuesday. The company’s lawyer, Richard Waltz, declined to comment.

Price’s lawyer, Ben Aisenberg, said Price would likely collect about $1.1 million, not counting interest, because state limits on jury awards apply in federal court. The exact amount still must be calculated, he said.

“We’re satisfied with the verdict,” Aisenberg said. Price declined to comment.

Witnesses testified Price lost his job and home in foreclosure because of his injuries.

U.S. District Judge Wiley Daniel had ruled before the trial that Wilson was responsible for manufacturing a defective club. The 10-member jury’s job was to determine the amount of the damage award.

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