Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Proper way to grip a golf club with left hand

If you're a right-handed golfer, the proper way to grip a golf club with your left hand is critical to squaring the clubface at impact for straight golf shots. Not to say the right hand is not important in the golf grip, but the left has a lot to do with clubface alignment at impact. And the most important part of a golf shot is IMPACT! And during your golf practice, you should make sure you are gripping it correctly.

To get the proper golf grip fundamentals first start off with your arms hanging naturally in front of your legs. Take a look down at you left hand. I’ll bet it’s mostly facing your leg with the palm. That is a natural and relaxed position with your left hand. That is EXACTLY the way you put your left hand on the golf club. Why would you change it? If you did, you would not have a natural golf grip would you?

Secondly, the proper golf grip with the left hand is in the FINGERS not in the palm! I found out after 15 years of golfing my own grip was in my palm, and with a LONG left thumb. Both not good traits if you want to hit a consistently straight golf shot.

Take a look at the below picture and notice how you bring the left hand over the golf club.

Golf Grip With Left Hand
Golf Grip With Left Hand

The more you grip the golf club in the fingers, the higher your clubhead speed will be, and the faster the clubface will close, which will eliminate a golf  slice. If you grip the golf club further up in the palm, you will have a much slower clubhead speed, and the longer it takes for the clubface to close.

If you are a slice of the golf ball, you will want to move the grip more into the fingers (the base of the fingers), with up to 3 knuckles showing when you look down at it. If you are hooking the golf ball, you will want to move the grip slightly towards the palm area (higher up in the left hand), with 1-2 knuckles showing.

When you finally wrap your left hand around the grip of the club, it should look like the picture below.

Golf Grip With Left Hand
Golf Grip With Left Hand

This may take a bit of time getting use to, but the great thing is you can have a club in your home or office, grip it and regrip it dozens of times a day to speed up the process and get it to feel more like a natural golf grip, with no tension in your left forearm.

We will cover the proper right hand golf grip in the golf swing in a later article, but lets take a look at a solid golf grip in the picture below. Notice how both hands look very comfortable on the golf club. This is the correct golf grip to hit straight golf shots for 18 holes.

Golf Grip With Left Hand
Golf Grip With Left Hand


Bobby Eldridge has come out with an INSTANTLY downloadable ebook for the golf swing. It has tons of fantastic illustrations, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to quickly improve your golf swing consistency and power.

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