Friday, June 18, 2010

Building a preround routine

During the time you prepare to hit a shot, a hemispheric shift should take place in your brain. From the analytical left side (measuring your shot, accounting for the wind), to the creative right side (visualizing your shot).

The goal of a preround routine is to get your body warmed up, your mind focused and your swing ready to go.

Here are a few quick ways to get ready before your next round:

• Do light stretches for five minutes that concentrate on the lower back, hamstrings, hips and shoulders.

• Take at least 10 minutes to hit about 25 balls on the range. Start with a sand wedge and make some half swings, then progress through your set, skipping a couple clubs each time. Finish by hitting a few drivers. Use this time to develop your rhythm and balance for the day. When you hit the last three balls, go through your preshot routine to get your mind focused on targets instead of swing mechanics.

• Next, give yourself five minutes to practice putting on the practice green to develop speed control. The last few putts should be from four to six feet so you can feel confident standing over some short ones.

• Finally, go to the first tee with a positive attitude. Don’t fixate on your score, but rather stay committed and focused on every shot. This will minimize pressure and get you focused on what’s in your control. Then go have fun.

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