Friday, June 18, 2010

Tips From The Tour, 2009

They may not know it, but several of the best golfers in the world are actually darn good instructors. They may not articulate their moves verbally, but in watching them play, there’s a lot that we as wannabe-Tour pros can learn and pick up from their amazing abilities.

We chose a few Tour professionals to spotlight (you can learn something from literally everyone on the PGA Tour), and with the help of some of our popular instructors, we put together a few simple, easy-to-digest elements of their swings that you should incorporate into your golf game. And while no two players swing exactly the same (yes, even Adam Scott and Tiger Woods have differences), one thing holds true: Every one of these featured Tour pros can teach you something about becoming a better player. With the help of Rick Sessinghaus, PGA, as our model, get ready to turn your swing into one that’s Tour-worthy. Read on!


Take a look at Boo Weekley and Vijay Singh at impact. I can’t help but admire how well both pros compress the ball against the clubface and then hit the ground with their iron shots. They’re rock-solid at impact and stacked over their left side.

Boo Weekley Boo isn’t just known for his down-home personality, but also an amazing ballstriking ability. No wonder he’s averaging 3.71 birdies a round.

Vijay Singh Already considered one of the “best to ever play,” Vijay also seems to never age. His languid swing has helped him play on the PGA Tour and stay competitive.

In this simulated impact position, most of my weight is on my left leg, and my left arm and shaft are stacked over my left side. Try this in a mirror to get it right.


Both players have their spine tilting away from the target. Use a club like this to check your spine tilt. Your left shoulder should be a little higher up.

Another key component to a solid impact position is the positioning of the body. Check out the spine, and note how it tilts away from the target. That helps them stay behind the ball. At the same time, at least 75 percent of their weight hovers over their left leg. This weight shift is vital in order to release the golf club at impact effectively.

Finally, look at the back of the left hand on both players. The glove logo is facing the target. This ensures a square clubface and a straight shot.

—John Stahlschmidt, PGA

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